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Форум | Разное | Тема: «Hit the racket several times»: what they say about the mother of tennis player Rublyov
«Hit the racket several times»: what they say about the mother of tennis player Rublyov

Имя: nilufar (Новичок)
Дата: 6 июня 2021 года, 17:08
Russian tennis player Elena Malykh accused [*****] coach Marina Marienko — the mother of Andrei Rublev, who ranks seventh in the ATP rankings — of beatings, humiliation and theft. The 18-year-old athlete filed a police complaint with the specialist who raised Anna Kournikova. Malykh also said that the teachers at [*****] sports school are allegedly engaged in extortion of money under the threat of expulsion. Maryenko, in response, stated that what Malykh said was not true, and the girl herself took part in night betting matches and did not fulfill coaching tasks. Maryenko is known in the world of tennis much more. She brought up the former pin up tr  first racket of the world in doubles and two-time Australian Open champion Anna Kournikova, and also worked with Irina Khromacheva and Daria Gavrilova for some time. For the success of [*****] students, Maryenko received the title of Honored Coach of Russia. She also brought Andrei Rublev to tennis, but did not train him on [*****] own. Maryenko denied the accusations against [*****]. She said that there really was a conflict between [*****] and Malykh because of training, but she did not resort to violence. She took the athlete's belongings in order to then hand them over to [*****] parents.
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